We invite researchers, graduate students, teachers, and specialists to publish your manuscripts in “Vestnik ASAU” journal. Please make sure that the manuscripts correspond to the topic of the journal, are original, and they were not previously published in other printed or online journals. 

The authors are responsible for the content, reliability of the information, as well as for the links to official documents (websites) provided in the text. All submitted materials must be free from falsification and plagiarism.

There is no publication fee.

The journal publishes articles on the following scientific specialties:

4.2.1. Animal pathology, morphology, physiology, pharmacology and toxicology

4.2.2. Sanitation, hygiene, ecology, veterinary and sanitary examination and biosafety

4.2.3. Infectious diseases and animal immunology;

4.2.4. Private animal husbandry, feeding, technologies for preparing feed and producing livestock products;

4.3.1. Technologies, machines and equipment for the agro-industrial complex;

4.3.4. Technologies, machines and equipment for forestry and wood processing;

5.2.3. Regional and sectoral economics;

  • MS Word editor – Times New Roman, A4 format, margins: 3 cm on all sides; paragraph indent – ​​1 cm; interval – 1.5; body text size – 12, abstract text size – 10.
  • Articles are sent with  the obligatory note  “Last name of the author and scientific specialty” to the e-mail address
  • The article must contain the following information:
  • Index according to the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC)
  • Title (in Russian and English);
  • Information about authors.

— Last name, first name, patronymic of all authors (in Russian and English);

— Full name of the organization, place of work of each author, country, city (in Russian and English);

— Correspondent postal address and telephone number for contacts.

  • Abstract in Russian and English (150-250 words)
  • Keywords in Russian and English (5–10 words).
  • The article should contain the following structure IMRAD: Introduction. Materials and methods. Results. Discussion. Conclusions. Bibliography.
  • The minimum length of an article – 5 pages.
  • Figures and tables should be included in the text of the article. Figures should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Each figure must have a caption and be placed in the text after the reference to it.
  • Tables are also placed after references to them in the text. Each table must have a serial number and a short title that corresponds to the content. Units of physical quantities are given according to the International SI System (GOST 8417-81).
  • Formulas must be written clearly, revealing all letter designations. When typing formulas and letter symbols, Microsoft Word formula editor with standard settings should be used. Scanning formulas from other sources (books, journals, etc.) is not allowed.
  • The volume of self-citation should not exceed 20%.
  • The originality of the article should not be less than 60%.  
  • The bibliographic list is given in alphabetical order, filled out according to GOST 7.0.5-2008. The presence of references in the text is desirable (numbered references are given in the text in square brackets in a regular text format). The authors are responsible for the reliability of information, accuracy of citations and links to official documents and other sources. Each source is cited in its original language. If the literature source is assigned a DOI, it should also be indicated. 
  • The editors reserve the right not to accept manuscripts submitted with deviations from these rules.

Appendix 1. Example of article formatting

Appendix 2. Author’s profile