Publication ethics

All parties involved in the process of preparing materials for publication in the online scientific journal “Bulletin of AGATU”, namely: authors, reviewers, members of the editorial board, must follow the standards of publication ethics described below.

These statements are in accordance with the ethical principles adopted by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). If any of the principles described below are suspected of being violated, the journal’s editorial board will follow the COPE guidelines ( ).

Responsibilities of the Editorial Board

The editors have the right to accept the manuscript for publication or reject it.

Incoming manuscripts undergo a mandatory review process, however, the manuscript may be rejected at the stage prior to review if there is a good reason for this (for example, in cases where the topic of the article does not correspond to the scope of the journal, the article was previously published in another publication, etc.) .

The editors accept an article for publication in accordance with their conviction that it meets the requirements of the journal.

The editors must guarantee the high quality of materials published in the journal and their substantive integrity, as well as publish corrections, clarifications, and apologies in cases where such a need arises.

The editors should not have a conflict of interest with the authors of those articles that they reject or accept for publication.

Responsibilities of Reviewers

The editors adhere to the principle of “one-way blind reviewing”: the authors do not know the names of the reviewers, the reviewers know the names of the authors.

Reviewing should be carried out on the basis of an objective assessment of the manuscript, with arguments for each comment.

Reviewers must express their views clearly, with supporting arguments and references as appropriate, and not be defamatory or libelous. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate.

There should be no conflict of interest between the reviewer and the work he is reviewing or its authors. In the event of a conflict of interest, the impossibility of conducting a review on time, or lack of adequate awareness of the topic of the manuscript, the reviewer is obliged to notify the editors in advance.

Reviewers must maintain the confidentiality of the materials provided to them and may not discuss unpublished manuscripts with colleagues or use the manuscript for personal gain.

Retracting an article

The editors of the journal have the right to retract a published article in the following cases:

Study results are unreliable due to serious error (eg, miscalculation or experimental error) or falsification (eg, data, image manipulation);

The article contains plagiarism;

The results of the study were previously published, references to which are not provided;

The article contains materials or data without permission for use;

Copyright infringement or other legal issue (eg, libel, confidentiality);

The article describes unethical research;

The article’s review process was compromised and disrupted;

Notifications of article retraction must:

Be clearly identified and distinguished from other types of corrections or comments;

Be published as quickly as possible to minimize negative consequences;

Be freely available to all readers;

Indicate information about who is performing the retraction and for what reason;

Be objective, factual and avoid inflammatory language.